Thursday, January 9, 2014

I Can Do This

If there is anything my last semester of grown up school has taught me (besides lots of chemistry and useless knowledge of the theater I will honestly never need) it's that tea and coffee are my two most favorite things in a cup and I can do this.
Going into last semester I wasn't worried that I would fail or implode due to pressure, I was worried that I wouldn't make it all the way... that is all four years. I knew I could do this first semester, heck even the first two years. But I was almost sure I would change my major to something easier than nursing. And a terrifying nursing information session half way though did not really boost my confidence. (Actual quote: "Nursing students don't have lives, they don't know what lives are.") But I had to take a step back and realize a few things. I am not your typical student, I am [somehow have become] a wonder student. I value the importance of studying. Plus the actual nursing program is only two years! So if it is completely awful, it's only completely awful three months at a time over the course of two years. I will still have my winter break, I will still have my summer break. I will still have my family and friends to encourage me.
Plus this last semester really proved to me that I have what it takes to make it. I can do this. I got straight A's, something I haven't done since probably 6th grade. I knew I had this in me it just took more than middle and high school to bring it back out.

I'm proud of my accomplishments so far and I hope that I can keep up the hard work. Hopefully this is the quickest four years of my life.

We'll see.


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