Thursday, April 7, 2011


Okay well... poem. Sorry if I got your hopes up.

The other day in English class we were talking about China, North Korea, and communism. We were talking about how during Mao Tse-Tung's (the guy who brought communism to China) reign people called Misty Poets wrote poems speaking out anonymously against Mao and all his doing.

As an assignment we wrote poems about the things that make us mad.

Here is mine:


To the roots
Of my being.

Held down
But without restraint
No guard, no alarm.

16 years 152 days
I have been held captive
The entire world knows not of me.

A wheel in my hand,
On the road
I look out.

Maybe afraid
The most important test
I know what I must do.

Knowledge and know-how
I have
But a license,
That I do not.

I hope you liked that. 

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